Tips to Feel and Look Younger

Monday, September 7

Being young forever is only a dream, but feeling and looking youthful is not. For some people, we can see that they are looking much younger than their real ages. When we were still in the elementary school, back then, remember our peers, classmates, every one looked in the same age. But, why now after tens of years, some look older or younger than the others? How could they be?
For some people who look younger, they usually have some habit or mindset that make them feeling happy, looking fresh and energetic and maintaing their good health.
Here are some tips from them:

Drink Water

Since most of our body consist of water, it becomes very essential for helping functioning of our cells. Drinking sufficient amounts of water each day aids our kidneys in ridding our body of toxins and metabolic wastes and keeps our energy levels up. On the other hand, when our body runs low on water it is like a car running low on fuel and this leads to imbalances in our body as our cardiovascular system has to work harder to pump blood around the body.

Do Exercise Regularly

Exercising builds denser and stronger bones which helps lowers the risk of osteoporosis as we age. In our increasingly sedentary and lethargic lifestyles, obesity and fatigue are commonplace. Regular exercise and movement serve to boost our energy levels and mental alertness by sending more blood to the brain and more oxygen absorption by our brain cells. It can also boost serotonin levels, a chemical in our brain that stimulates calmness and that “happy feeling” and keeps stress and depression at bay.


When we are laughing, it provides great physical release by exercising our diaphragm, abdominals and upper body. It relaxes our muscles and aids our mental, emotional and spiritual health. Each time we laugh or smile endorphins - the body’s natural pain killer - are released while excess stress hormones like cortisol are reduced. This helps us relieve pain, stress and sickness. It also connects us to others in a positive manner, increasing our social energy. So choose comedy shows, funny movies and humorous stories over gossip, horror flicks or violent computer games.

Spend Time and Play With Children, Be a Child

To feel younger, simply play like you did when you were younger. Spend time and play with kids whenever you can; wonder, laugh and marvel with them. Feel free to let your inner child emerge and join in their worry-free imagination and innocence. Even if you cannot physically catch up with them or participate in their games, being around their laughter, spontaneity and energy is invigorating and helps you fight ageing.

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Why Natural Treatment is The Best Migraines Cure?

Sunday, September 6

Every migraine doctor share the same question. When the migraine sufferer and concerned family get around the doctor, the most frequent asked question is “Please, please tell me what the best treatment of migraines cure?”

Well, that is the question the doctor can not answer in short simple sentences. Yes, there is definitely the best migraines cure treatment for every patient. For a long time, I have studies the follow up questions just to make sure I really understand what answers do they really expect.

The answer they were expecting is immediate migraines cure. They need the doctors to hand out the prescription with magic pills which could conquer all migraine pains they suffer.

Trust me, I am as eager as the sufferer for those magic pills’ coming. But, as there are different types of migraine, the treatment is also different. Even the sufferers share the same type of migraine, the trigger might pose another problem. As we all know, migraine could be triggered by working stress, irregular meals, or even a sudden weather change, which made the diagnosis harder than most other disease.

On the other hand, it is also an easy question. The best way to prevent and treat a migraine is always the migraine natural cure methods. Some may think it is useless and pure waste of time to try some lavender oil, they want something quick, just as quick as the magic pills.

There are numerous migraine meds which doctors could give you over the counter, but have you ever considered the following question, what will you do if there is another sudden migraine attack? There are still quite a lot of debates over the side effects of migraine meds. The symptoms of migraine is usually a neurological problem, the function of some migraine meds is easing down or numbing the nerves, which is hard to tell if there are permanent damages to the nerves.

What if I tell you the lavender oil have the same effects of certain migraine meds but do not have the side effects? What if I tell you the migraine natural cure have a variety of choice other than the lavender oil? You will never know the magic power of migraine herbal treatment, and a single slice of ginger could do you great you help easing the migraine pain.

Please, do try some migraine natural cure methods before you seek the ultimate answer for migraine pains.

To tell you the truth, besides the unknown side effects of migraine meds, there are no magic pills yet dealing the migraine pain better than a slice of ginger does. You could keep seeking and trying your magic pills in a medical lab, or you could find the useful migraine natural cure in your everyday life, which will improve your life quality a lot.

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Sugar Intake Is Linked to Aging of Your Skin?

Saturday, September 5

Do you know that high sugar intake has relation to cause dull skin, wrinkles and signs of skin aging?

Dr Fredric Brandt, a dermatologis in Miami and New York City, as quoted by Health magazine said when you have sugar, the sugar absorbed into the blood stream coats proteins around the body, a process called glycation. The process then results in new molecules being formed called advanced glycation end products or AGEs for short. The AGEs can damagas the important proteins in your skin - collagen and elastin.

The more sugar you have, the more AGE proteins are formed. This means the more sugar you have the more wrinkled, dull your skin are. You will look years older than you really are.

When a person getting older, especially after 35, the process of sugar coating or glycation occurs even faster.

So if you want to prevent your skin from aging by these AGE proteins, you may consider these helpful tips:

- Cutting back the amount of sweet things is a must. By keeping your sugar intake to less than 10 percent of your total callorie intake per day. It is about 10 teaspoons of sugar a day for an average person.

- rather than natural sugar you can turn fruits and vegetables as replacement.

- Be aware of some ingridients in food, since sugar can be disguised by many names such as dextrose, corn syrup, dextrose, maltose, maple syrup or molasses are forms of sugar. In fact fructose corn syrup is the worst when it
comes to causing the AGE proteins, so avoid this one.

- Take sufficient vitamin B6 and B1 in your daily meal. A number of studies have shown that these B vitamins will reduce the formation of AGE proteins. If you are not sure have them enough from your meal, you can take a multivitamin to ensure you're getting enough. Your body will just eliminate what's not needed so there are no worries
about toxicity.

- A study published in the British Journal of Dermatology mentions that exposing skin to the sun will form AGE protein significantly. So, avoid your skin from getting exposure to the sun. Wearing hat, or use daily moisturizer with an effective sun block when you are out are very recommended.

- Don't forget to take rich antioxidants sources in your meal. You can get them from fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, and green tea. Antioxidants can help your body to
prevent the formation of these AGE proteins. If you aren't sure that you're getting an adequate amount in your diet, you can take a supplement to help.

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Constipation Remedy Using Apples and Other Juices

Friday, September 4

Here are two constipation remedies that you can use for a mild case of constipation and for a chronic case of constipation.

Apple and Pear Juice

If you have a mild case of constipation, you can use this remedy to get results.

Prepare equal amounts of fresh apple and pear juice. Drink this combination when you first wake up and one hour before bedtime.

Juice the pears that are slightly hard. If the pear is ripe, it is best to blend it whole with apple juice to create a thick drink. Using the whole pear will give you additional fiber. Just remove the seeds but do not peel the organic type.

Pears have minerals, vitamins, and chemicals that help to clean out your colon, kidney and to regenerate your blood cells.

Apple Juice and Prune Juice

Here's a constipation remedy that you can use if you have chronic constipation. In addition to just drinking apple juice, you can accelerate your peristaltic action with prune juice.

Here's how to do it.

If you have a juicer you can make fresh apple juice and drink 3-4 glasses a day. You can also drink store-bought apple juice but try to get fresh squeezed and not the type that has been flash pasteurized or pasteurized. If you can find fresh apple juice then use flash pasteurized.

Buy your juice in glass containers if possible.

Plastic containers are processed using solvents that stay in the container walls and gradually outgas into the apple juice. This out gassing is more severe when plastic containers are stored in hot places.

To speed up the laxative effects of apple juice, take the following combination first thing in the morning before you have breakfast,

Drink 2-3 cups of prune juice.
After ½ hour, drink one cup of apple juice
Then, 1-hour later drink another cup of apple juice.

I usually buy my prune juice in a bottle and fresh squeeze my apple juice.

Be prepared to head for the bathroom after you drink your prune juice and your first glass of apple juice. You may need to head to the bathroom soon after you drink prune juice, everyone is different. I have used this combination and have recommended it to my clients and have had good results.

Prune juice by itself is good for constipation. It is a safe, gentle and an effective laxative. Drink a cup in the morning and a cup in the evening. Prune juice contain the substance dihydrophenylisatin, which is responsible for the laxative action. Prunes are also high in iron and are a great supplement if you are anemic or low on iron.

If you add prune juice to your diet, do not drink as much of it as you would when you have constipation. Drink ½ glass in the morning and perhaps ½ glass in the evening.(Rudy Silva/EzineArticles)

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