Many herbs have been employed to relieve tooth aches and gum problems. Native Americans applied the inner bark of the butternut tree to their gums to get relief. Please check with your doctor before using this remedy.
The butternut tree, Juglans cinerea, is a native of North America and a cousin of the black walnut. It thrives in rich woods, along rivers in well drained soil, and does well in yards. The butternut can reach heights of 40 to 60 feet at maturity, its bark is light gray, and both the leaves and its fruit resembles the black walnuts, with the fruit being more elliptical.
The medicinal part of the butternut is the inner bark, but the twigs and inner part of the root have also been used. The inner bark, after being dried, is ground into a powder, and is considered a gentle, effective laxative. Native Americans applied the bark to the gums to alleviate tooth aches, and it is said that it works quite well for this.
Calendula, Calendula officinalis, or Pot Marigold, is a hardy annual with bright green leaves and stems tinged with yellow. The petals are delicate and are what is used in herbal medicine. Flowers, picked when they’re newly opened, are spread out to dry, and then the petals are picked off. It is a safe and gentle herb, and is used in ointments and dressings for wounds and sores. An infusion of calendula blossoms eases toothaches and ulcers in the mouth.
Tarragon, Artemisia dracunculus is a member of the same family as daisies, with small yellow flowers. From the two types of tarragon, French and Russian, and the more aromatic French variety is preferred for both cooking and medicine. An infusion of the leaves stimulates the appetite, relieves gas and colic, helps alleviate the pain of arthritis, and expels worms for the body. The fresh leaf or root, when applied to aching teeth, acts as an anesthetic until one can get to the dentist.
Yarrow, Achillea millefolium, originated in Europe and Asia, but is now naturalized throughout North America. Yarrow grows wild in fields, meadows, roadsides and open woodlands. Yarrow has the ability to stop bleeding, aids in healing wounds, and yarrow tea is also beneficial to rashes, skin ulcers and hemorrhoids. But the root of the yarrow is also an anesthetic. To relieve toothaches, apply the fresh root or leaves to the gums or teeth.
Clove, Caryophyllus aromaticus, is an evergreen tree, native to the Spice Islands and the Philippines, but also grows in other tropical areas. The medicinal part of the clove is the dried flower bud. Clove oil will stop the pain of toothache most effectively.
Raw plantain leaves, crushed with salt rubbed on to them will, also help stop a toothache. In Oriental medicine, a concoction of roasted eggplant and salt, called Dentie, is widely used for toothaches.
A paste of slippery elm powder and water put into a tooth where the filling has come out, will be very helpful until one gets to the dentist. And a mouthwash made with sage or marigold and a pinch of salt, is beneficial to bleeding gums.
These are just a few helpful herbs one can use on aching teeth until one can get professional help
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books on health, mind and body
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- Home remedy for toothaches
- Juice Fasting a Quick Guide
- The Best Food Group for Cardiovascular Health
- Menopause Symptoms and Memory Loss
- Reducing Sugar Intake to Get Younger Looks
- Simple Tips on How to Avoid Swine Flue
- New Organic Skin Care Recipes To Treat Various Ail...
- Top 7 tips To Prevent Heart Attack
- How to Avoid Weight Gain When Stopping Smoking
- Take Charge Of Your Own Breast Health
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- Alternative acne treatment
- Some Natural Cures for Snoring
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- Rice Diet at Home
Home remedy for toothaches
Thursday, July 30Diposkan oleh admin di 3:00 PM 0 komentar
Label: home remedies, to cure toothache
Juice Fasting a Quick Guide
Wednesday, July 29by: Mark Henry
A little instruction from me on the subject of juice fasting, when you consider it in this day and age a lot of variable quality foods and drinks get consumed with little or no regard for the 42 odd feet of tubing that makes up our digestive tract. Yes 42 feet between you mouth and your butt, it stands to reason that it needs some rest and cleansing once in a while.
Fasting is an excellent way to give your body a rest from its normal day to day duties and giving it a chance to concentrate on kicking out stored up toxins and other nasties. Juice fasts are a particularly effective method as while you fast from solid food you nourish your body with a ready supply of no effort, liquid, super nutrition in the form of cold pressed organic juices. Brilliant.
Lethargy, lack of concentration, flatulence, I.B.S, skin and hair problems are all signals that the digestion of your food it not quite happening as well as it could. Skin problems in particular can just be as a result of nutrient not quite reaching the skin, a sure signal of an inefficient gut. So what can we do to help? Try a juice fast and healthy eating!
The detoxification headache: if you life a caffeine,convenience food and alchohol lifestyle then do expect to feel worse before you feel better! When your body takes this opportunity to kick out stored toxins, you can expect to fill a little low, queasy and or headachy, this is perfectly normal, so stick with it, the end result is well worth while.
A few cautions, a fast if you're not used to it, should not be entered into lightly, you must consult your healthcare professional before embarking on any health regime! Fasting should not be attempted by infants, elderly, pregnant women and those recovering from illness and or on medication
So, if you are still interested in doing a juice fast? The thing to do is to start slowly, with a 1 day fast, it may not sound like much but if fasting is new to you it's plenty to begin with. So have a look at the fasting plans below and with the help of a trained health professional investigate the healthy power of a fast.
The one day juice fast is a great way to try things out and see, I would think if you are reading this you are already familiar with juicing and are a bit of a health fan ready to take it to the next level. Good action is best!
The day before your fast is important, the body responds best to gentle treatment so going from Burger King to 7 day fast expert is not a good idea. Prepare your body with the following steps, cut out sugar and caffeine for a day before the fast and eat lightly and freshly on the day before your fast. Keep it fresh, simple and well hydrated.
Your pre- fast day
No caffeine or cut right down, no sugar we want nice stable blood sugar.
Start the day with a glass of warm water with a twist of lemon in.
For breakfast keep it light, yogurt and fruit, brown rice and steamed veggies. Try and avoid manufactured cereal.
Have a juice for a mid morning snack.
For lunch, have a salad, no meat just salad and veggies maybe rice or pasta but make the rice or pasta 10% of the overall meal
Have a juice for an afternoon snack.
Dinner again keep it a light salad, no need for any rice or pasta at this time of the day, have fruit for desert.
You can drink as much water as you like but not with meals, in between meal times and stop at 2 litres per day.
If you crave sugar sweeten with honey or black strap molasses.
The Fast Day
The first thing to do is relax and enjoy the day, this is a day for you, so use this as a guideline, don't be too rigid about the schedule.
On rising: drink a glass of warm water with a squeak of lemon in.
10 am: have your first juice, make it and drink it fresh, after all this is a day centered on fresh living. Mix fruit and veggies have a half pint and keep the rest for laterm, this saves on cleaning
11 am: time for another glass of water, filtered or bottled
12 pm: the second juice of the day, make this vegetables only, again half a pint, include beet and ginger
1.30 pm: another glass of water, and take a leisurely stroll or do some gentle stretching may be walk the dog!
3 pm: juice number three, less veggies more fruit and add citrus as this will help cleanse
4pm: another half pint of water or herbal tea or infusion
6pm: the last juice of the day, give it some body with a banana but no citrus fruit its too acidic.
8pm: another glass of water or herbal tea, nothing too perky though, you want a restful night
10 pm: Time for bed, if you have not gone to sleep already, wind down with a relaxing bath or massage treat your self!
Breaking the fast
On rising, be easy and good with yourself, have a glass of warm water or herbal tea and start with a glass of mixed fruit and vegetable juice. When it's time for the first solid food, have a vegetarian salad or fruit and yoghurt and ease for self back slowing into normal living.
Try to adopt eating light and juicing regularly as a lifestyle rather than a fad, lasting changes make for the best long term effects.
Diposkan oleh admin di 2:44 PM 0 komentar
Label: benefit of fast, benefit of juice, how to fast
The Best Food Group for Cardiovascular Health
by: ecochuck
Nutrition experts know that the best group of foods for
preventing and fighting cancer is the cruciferous
vegetables or cabbage family vegetables. They include
cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, brussels sprouts, kale
and collard greens. Cancer is the second leading cause
of death of Americans. The best food group for helping
with cardiovascular health is berries.
The botanical definition of a berry is a simple fruit
produced from a single ovary, such as a grape or a
tomato. However, in everyday English, a berry is a term
for any small edible fruit. I will use the everyday
English meaning. Heart attacks and strokes are the first
and third leading cause of death among Americans.
The first thing is the Doctrine of Signatures. This
states that an herb, botanical or plant food sometimes
gives a clue about what it is good for by its appearance
like ginseng root looking like a human body or a walnut
looking like a brain.
Berries are the color of blood. Blood that is very
oxygenated is red, but blood without oxygen can appear
blueish or purple. Just look at the veins of someone
with varicose veins. One newer red berry that is great
for cardiovascular health is goji berries. Here is what says about goji berries:
"Research shows that eating berries -- like blueberries,
acai berries, cranberries, strawberries, and cherries --
offers some definite health benefits. Berries like the
goji berry are filled with powerful antioxidants and
other compounds that may help prevent cancer and other
illnesses, including heart disease."
Strawberries are said to help lower high blood pressure
(hypertension) Another good example of the Doctrine of
Signatures is the strawberry. It is red and is shaped
like a heart. Please note that berries have different
anthocyans (a group of phytochemicals) that strengthens
the inner lining of the arteries. Common problems with
arteries include angina, congestive heart failure,
intermittent claudication, peripheral arterial disease
(PAD), strokes and heart attacks.
Superfoods Rx (2008) by Steven Pratt, M.D. says (p 28)
"The anthocyans also work synergistically with vitamin C
and other key antioxidants. They strengthen the
capillary (tiny blood vessel) system by promoting the
production of quality collagen-- the building block of
tissues. This important subclass of flavonoids also
promotes vasodilation (widening of arteries) and has an
inhibitory effect on platelet aggregation-- an
aspirin-like effect on blood clot formation." Please
note that aspirin are drugs and berries are foods.
If you look these things up, you will see that they are
also effective for preventing cancer. A recent study
from the University of Michigan reveals that new
evidence links cherries (a red berry) to heart health
benefits. The study found that a cherry enriched diet
lowered total weight, body fat (especially the important
belly fat), inflammation and cholesterol-- all risk
factors associated with heart disease. According to the
American Heart Association, being overweight or obese,
in particular when the weight is concentrated in the
middle, is a major risk factor for heart disease.
There are other red berries like cranberries and then
there are the other darker color berries. Some that have
attracted a lot of attention for health benefits are
acai berries, yumberries and aronia berries that are
said to improve circulation and strengthen blood
There is a red berry that is great for cardiovascular
health. But I have not seen it sold as a berry. I have
only seen it sold in capsules or as a tea. Herbalists
know that it is the best herb for heart health or
cardiovascular health. It is the red hawthorn berry.
Berries are a good example of Natural Cures with foods.
Prescription for Herbal Health (2002) by Phyllis Balch
says " A large body of scientific research has shown
that the fruit, leaves and flowers of various hawthorn
species dilate the blood vessels, lower blood pressure
and dissolve cholesterol. Hawthorn fights
atherosclerosis, in which cholesterol forms plaques on
blood-vessel walls. in two ways." It increases the rate
that the liver converts bad LDL cholesterol into good
HDL cholesterol. It "also fights atherosclerosis by
providing antioxidants, which prevent plaque formation."
Diposkan oleh admin di 2:29 PM 0 komentar
Menopause Symptoms and Memory Loss
Sunday, July 26While you may experience the misery of hot flashes and mood swings as you enter menopause, one thing you can't blame on the "change" is memory loss.
In the latest study that exonerates menopause as a cause of impairing the ability to recall, Taiwanese researchers compared the memory of hundreds of women before they had any menopausal symptoms to their memory as they entered menopause.
They found the women who were going through the menopausal process scored as well or nearly as well on five different cognitive function tests. Results of the study are to be presented Oct. 4 at the American Neurological Association annual meeting in Toronto.
"When women go into perimenopause, they don't need to worry about cognitive decline," said Dr. Jong-Ling Fuh, an attending physician at Taipei Veterans General Hospital and an associate professor of Yang-Ming University School of Medicine.
The researchers said the myth of memory loss during menopause is a perception some women have because as they went through menopause, they felt their memory wasn't as sharp as it had been before. Studies suggesting that hormone replacement therapy might protect against dementia strengthened that belief. However, a large study later found that in older women, hormone replacement therapy not only didn't help protect women from dementia, but could actually increase the risk.
To try to answer the question of whether menopause did have any effect on memory, Fuh and her colleagues studied nearly 700 premenopausal women living on a group of rural islands between Taiwan and China. The Taiwanese government restricted access to these islands until the 1990s, so the authors report that the study's population was nearly homogeneous, which would help rule out other potentially causative factors of memory loss.
The women were between the ages of 40 and 54. None of them had had a hysterectomy, and none took hormone replacement therapy during the study.
All took five cognitive tests designed to assess their memory and cognitive skills at the start of the study, and then again 18 months later.
During the study period, 23 percent of the women began to have symptoms of menopause.
The researchers then compared the memory of the women who had entered menopause to those who had not, and found very little difference. In four of the five tests, there were no statistically significant differences in the two groups of women.
Only on one test was the difference statistically significant, and that difference, said Fuh, was very slight. This test was designed to assess verbal memory and involved showing the women 70 nonsensical figures. Some of the figures were repeated during the test, while most were not. The women were asked whether they had seen the figure earlier.
"For women, menopause does not mean you'll develop memory loss," said Dr. Raina Ernstoff, an attending neurologist at William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, Mich. As you're going through perimenopause and experiencing symptoms like hot flashes, she said, you may feel lousy and have trouble sleeping, which might temporarily affect your cognitive skills.
"I don't think declining estrogen levels are what causes memory loss," said Dr. Steven Goldstein, an obstetrician/gynecologist at New York University Medical Center in New York City. "It's not like your memory is bopping along, doing fine and then takes this big dive during menopause, like bone density can."
Both Ernstoff and Goldstein said they weren't aware of many women who believed that menopause might cause significant memory loss. They also both felt that results from this group of women who were so homogeneous might not apply to different groups of women, such as those living in more industrialized society. And they both said that other factors that weren't studied could play a role in memory loss, such as hypertension, which can contribute to vascular dementia.
Ernstoff also pointed out that the education backgrounds can play a large role in memory loss. Fuh acknowledged the researchers did attempt to control the data for educational differences.
SOURCES: Jong-Ling Fuh, M.D., attending physician, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, and associate professor, Yang-Ming University School of Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan; Steven Goldstein, M.D., obstetrician/gynecologist, New York University Medical Center, and professor, obstetrics/gynecology, New York University School of Medicine, New York City; Raina Ernstoff, M.D., attending neurologist, William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, Mich., and member, Alzheimer's Board of Detroit; Oct. 4, 2004, presentation, American Neurological Association, Toronto.
For more information visit:
Diposkan oleh admin di 11:46 PM 0 komentar
Label: how to cure menopausal symptoms, natural cure for menopause
Reducing Sugar Intake to Get Younger Looks
Saturday, July 25Do you know that high sugar intake has relation to cause dull skin, wrinkles and signs of skin aging?
Dr Fredric Brandt, a dermatologis in Miami and New York City, as quoted by Health magazine said when you have sugar, the sugar absorbed into the blood stream coats proteins around the body, a process called glycation. The process then results in new molecules being formed called advanced glycation end products or AGEs for short. The AGEs can damagas the important proteins in your skin - collagen and elastin.
The more sugar you have, the more AGE proteins are formed. This means the more sugar you have the more wrinkled, dull your skin are. You will look years older than you really are.
When a person getting older, especially after 35, the process of sugar coating or glycation occurs even faster.
So if you want to prevent your skin from aging by these AGE proteins, you may consider these helpful tips:
- Cutting back the amount of sweet things is a must. By keeping your sugar intake to less than 10 percent of your total callorie intake per day. It is about 10 teaspoons of sugar a day for an average person.
- rather than natural sugar you can turn fruits and vegetables as replacement.
- Be aware of some ingridients in food, since sugar can be disguised by many names such as dextrose, corn syrup, dextrose, maltose, maple syrup or molasses are forms of sugar. In fact fructose corn syrup is the worst when it
comes to causing the AGE proteins, so avoid this one.
- Take sufficient vitamin B6 and B1 in your daily meal. A number of studies have shown that these B vitamins will reduce the formation of AGE proteins. If you are not sure have them enough from your meal, you can take a multivitamin to ensure you're getting enough. Your body will just eliminate what's not needed so there are no worries
about toxicity.
- A study published in the British Journal of Dermatology mentions that exposing skin to the sun will form AGE protein significantly. So, avoid your skin from getting exposure to the sun. Wearing hat, or use daily moisturizer with an effective sun block when you are out are very recommended.
- Don't forget to take rich antioxidants sources in your meal. You can get them from fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, and green tea. Antioxidants can help your body to
prevent the formation of these AGE proteins. If you aren't sure that you're getting an adequate amount in your diet, you can take a supplement to help.
Diposkan oleh admin di 10:58 AM 0 komentar
Label: how to look younger, how to reduce sugar intake, wrinkle free
Simple Tips on How to Avoid Swine Flue
Monday, July 201. Don’t touch eyes, nose, and mouth, since those areas possibly contaminated by the virus.
2. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water since swine flu like other viruses can be contracted by touching objects contaminated by the virus. It's unsure how long the swine flu virus can survive on surrounding surfaces.
3. Do not eat or drink after others without complete sanitization of containers or utensils. Swine flu can be transmitted by contact with infected eating utensils.
4. If you start feeling ill with cold or flu-like symptoms do not go to work. Stay home and begin the usual home remedies for colds and flu. Contact your health care provider, local health department or hospital emergency room if your symptoms worsen or fail to improve for information about where to go to be screened for possible swine flu infection.
Diposkan oleh admin di 5:50 PM 0 komentar
Label: how to avoid swine flu
New Organic Skin Care Recipes To Treat Various Ailments Naturally
Saturday, July 11By Louise Forrest
Whether it is a tired eyes, wrinkles, insect bites or burns, there are times that things can happen to your skin. With the following organic skin care recipes and tips, you can treat various ailments naturally, leaving behind many of the man made pollutants that are absorbed into our bodies through most over the counter aids.
Insect Bites
Recipe #1: Mix 1 drop of organic almond essential oil and 2 tablespoons baking soda and 4 tablespoons of distilled water to form a paste. Apply to bite and let sit for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water and pat dry
Recipe #2: Mix 8 ounces distilled water with 2 tablespoons Epsom Salt. Apply compress made of a wash cloth soaked this mixture.
Oily Skin/ Acne
Recipe #1: Make a mask of 1/4 organic apple (cored but unpeeled), 1 organic egg white, 1/2 organic lemon (peeled and deseeded), 30 organic Thompson seedless grapes, 4 tablespoons organic watercress (finely chopped). Blend all ingredients on medium for 3 minutes. Apply to face using cotton balls and leave on for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
Recipe #2: Mix 1/4 cup organic yogurt (plain) with 1 tablespoon brewer's yeast. The mixture should be runny; if not, add a bit more brewers yeast. Apply to oily zones and let sit for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
Recipe #3: Mix 1/2 cup organic oat flour, juice from 1/2 organic orange, and 1 teaspoon organic honey. Apply to face and let sit for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
Recipe #1: This remedy should be made in advance and kept for times when it is needed. First you will need to create 4 special oils. You will need organic extra virgin olive oil, three airtight, glass jars and 4 fresh organic herbs: calendula, plantain, red clover, and St. Johns Wort.
Let the herbs wilt for one day, then put each type in its own jar and cover the herbs with olive oil. Close the jars and leave in direct sunlight for two weeks. Strain oil to use. Once your oils are made, you will need 1/4 cup of each of your special oils and 1 cup organic beeswax.
Melt the oils and beeswax in a large, microwave safe bowl, pour into an airtight, glass jar and let cool. If the mixture is too runny after completely cooling, you need to add a bit more beeswax and melt again, if it is too thick, add a bit more oil and melt again. Apply to wounds when needed much like you would with ready made antibacterial ointments.
Recipe #2:Soak the area with Epsom Salt dissolved in warm water. This is easiest done by taking a warm bath with 2 cups of Epsom Salt in it.
Recipe #1: Soak the area with Epsom Salt dissolved in warm water. This is easiest done by taking a warm bath with 2 cups of Epsom Salt in it. Because Epsom Salt draws toxins out of the skin and acts as an anti inflammatory, this bath will draw the splinter to the surface.
Recipe #2: Bandage a thin slice of organic potato over the splinter and let stay overnight. Potato draws things out of the skin and the splinter should be to the surface by morning.
Sunburn Relief
Recipe #1: Mix 5 organic cucumbers (pureed) and 2 1/2 cups powdered milk in a bowl. Pour mixture into tepid/warm bath and soak burned areas for 20 minutes. The mixture can be applied directly to the burned skin, if you prefer.
Recipe #2: Soak the burned area with Epsom Salt dissolved in warm water. This is easiest done by taking a tepid/warm bath with 2 cups of Epsom Salt in it.
Tired Eyes
Grate raw potato and wrap in cheesecloth. Apply to eyelids for 20 minutes, wiping the starchy residue away before applying makeup.
Recipe #1: Cut organic Thompson seedless grapes in half and crush on wrinkles, especially near eyes and mouth. Leave the juice on your face for 20 minutes then rinse with warm water, repeat daily.
Recipe #2: Mash a very ripe organic banana extremely well, apply to entire face and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water
Diposkan oleh admin di 12:00 PM 0 komentar
Label: organic base, skincare, wrinkle free
Top 7 tips To Prevent Heart Attack
by Raymond Lee
Heart attack. The words alone can send a chill down even the strongest man's spine, and with good reason. Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death for Americans. Men have a greater risk of heart attack at a younger age than women. But the risk increases for women as they near menopause and, eventually, surpasses that of men. If the nicest thing we can say about someone is that he has a good heart, the most important thing we can say is that he has a healthy heart. You probably can decrease your risk of heart attack by changing your lifestyle in the following areas:
1. Keep tabs on your cholesterol levels
To control your cholesterol, avoid saturated fat, eat fewer calories, and try to eat foods rich in fiber, such as vegetables and fruits. If your cholesterol is very high, drugs to lower it may be an option for you.
2. Ask your doctor about aspirin
Daily intake of aspirin may reduce your risk of heart attack by thinning your blood and preventing clots from forming. However, you should talk with your doctor before doing so because aspirin is not safe for everyone.
3. Drink moderately
Studies show that one drink a day (12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of liquor) may have a protective effect on your heart. However, the effects are more beneficial if you are middle-aged or older and have suffered a heart attack or stroke or already have cardiovascular disease.
4. Exercise
Regular exercise is good for you because it helps reduce stress, cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, and excess weight, and it can make your heart stronger, leading to a lower pulse rate. But overdoing exercise isn't a good thing, especially weight-lifting exercises that can trigger heart attacks. Talk with your doctor before beginning an exercise program.
5. Relax
Because stress is such a factor in heart disease, eliminating or decreasing it can do wonders for your cardiovascular health.
6. Control your blood pressure
Your heart has to work harder to push blood through your body when your blood pressure is high. This causes your heart to enlarge and can speed up atherosclerosis. Fortunately, by reducing your diastolic blood pressure by only 2mm Hg (millimeters per mercury), you can decrease your risk for cardiovascular disease and stroke. The average healthy blood pressure is 120/80 mm Hg.
7. Stop smoking
Smoking is harmful to your cardiovascular health. Smoking also clogs your arteries and in the process, raises the blood pressure in those clogged arteries. This condition helps to double the heart attack risk for smokers compared with non-smokers. Therefore, as soon as you stop, your body immediately starts to bounce back and improve your cardiovascular health.
Diposkan oleh admin di 2:16 AM 0 komentar
Label: blood pressure, cholesterol, hearth attack
How to Avoid Weight Gain When Stopping Smoking
By: scubaman
Fear of gaining weight is a barrier for many when it comes to quitting smoking. However, with proper planning and the use of some of the different products available, weight gain is not an inevitable side effect. Understanding the quitting process and coming up with a detailed plan to deal with the challenges that arise will help prevent undesirable side effects.
One reason weight gain occurs during an attempt to stop smoking is due to the desire for something to replace cigarettes. This may occur at a psychological level, as the need for rewards or treats, or as a behavioral issue, feeling at a loss without the action or activity of smoking. The need to snack may also occur in response to the unpleasant feelings associated with nicotine withdrawal. Being prepared for all of these possibilities means anticipating their occurrence and having coping strategies ready so you are not taken by surprise.
Plan ahead to have healthy snacks on hand, as well as plenty of drinking water, and turn to these when you experience cravings or the restless need for something to do with your hands. Try to avoid trading one bad habit for another, by not including foods that are high in sugar, salt or fat in these replacement choices. If you feel the need for treats, try to find alternatives that will not be costly to your health. A massage, a nice bath, fresh flowers, or a new outfit are some ideas for rewarding yourself in positive ways without harmful consequences.
Similarly, you can work on learning to replace your smoking habit with other, healthier behaviors. To help fill the gaps in your day, take up walking or jogging, a new sport, or some other form of physical activity. This will help keep you occupied, help you get in shape and lose weight, keep your appetite under control, and assuming you choose an activity you enjoy, give you something to look forward to. Try involving a friend or pet in order to get even more out of your time.
Smoking cessation products can also be useful in helping you avoid weight gain during withdrawal, by reducing the unpleasant side effects including cravings that may prompt you to overeat. Nicotine replacement therapies, hypnosis, acupressure and other diverse methods of stopping smoking all can play a role in helping you overcome destructive habits, and find healthier ways of living. Meditation is another drug-free way to replace your addiction with a greater source of inner peace and reflection. Strategies that help reduce stress are useful in a number of ways, and should be a part of any stop smoking plan.
Explore the many options available in order to make your plans to quit smoking a reality, without suffering any unwanted weight gain. With a little planning and preparation, you will be well on your way to looking and feeling great.
Diposkan oleh admin di 2:01 AM 0 komentar
Label: quit smoking, weight gain
Take Charge Of Your Own Breast Health
Friday, July 10by: Paul Rodgers
Breast health is very important to adult women and good self-esteem about breasts and all physical features are very important for younger girls. Keeping these two different angles in mind are important for girls and women alike when it comes to good breast health and good self-image and self-esteem.
In North America, the incidence of Breast Cancer has increase almost three-fold in 40 years, going from 1 in 20 in the 1960’s to 1 in 8 today. From the age of twenty, women should do monthly breast self-examinations. Breast cancers tend to grow significantly faster in younger women under age 50. Despite billions of dollars raised for research to "Find the Cure," the risk of breasts cancer today is greater than ever before. It's critically important for women to take charge of their health through these screenings and to understand that survivability is greatly enhanced when breast cancer is found early.
Because when it comes to breast health, knowledge is more than power–it’s confidence. Women can help with the early detection and treatment of breast cancer by playing an active role in their own health care. While there are some different recommendations from medical organizations on the value of breast self-exams, all women's health organizations agree about the value of annual clinical breast exams, and the importance of regular mammograms after the age of 40. Breast health is more than just luck, genetics, where you live or what you eat.
Staying healthy is a challenge that engages our body, mind, and spirit. No matter what your age or position in life, understanding the connection between a healthy lifestyle and healthy breasts is vitally important. Breast health is on a continuum with normal healthy breast tissue at one end and cancer at the other. You can certainly go from no pathology to cancer and you can slide down the continuum and never develop breast cancer, but not accepting unhealthy changes in your breasts is proactive and may very well prevent cancer. Also, you may lower your risk of breast cancer by living a healthy lifestyle, including eating a low-fat, high-fiber diet and exercising.
Most people are familiar with the antioxidant process, and many include this in there daily routines, but not many are aware that this is just the first step to a healthy body. Antioxidants are beneficial because they affix themselves to free radicals while absorbing the elements before they have the ability to infiltrate healthy normal tissues. It is in everyone's health interests, to include regular daily amounts of the best antioxidants in their diets, in support of healthy lifestyles.
Only 10% of breast health issues are attributed to family genes, the higher percentage due to environmental, dietary or lifestyle issues. Antioxidants are intimately involved in the prevention of cellular damage -- the common pathway for cancer, aging, and a variety of diseases. Antioxidants are key elements in preventing cancer, because they stabilize highly reactive free radicals that can otherwise damage our DNA and begin the process of cancer development.
Diposkan oleh admin di 10:34 AM 0 komentar
Label: antioxidants, breast, cancers, diet
Stress Relief - Reducing Stress in the Workplace
by: Jamie Campbell
Be Stress Free In the workplace.
This is probably the most common cause of stress, whether you're in a job that has you dealing with high stress situations or a job that you don't enjoy, stress can be a factor. I read a statistic during my research that I found quite astonishing:
It is estimated that work-related stress is responsible for six million days of sick leave per year, with stress being linked to many major and minor illnesses.
For most of us, work is a significant and meaningful feature of life with the majority of us spending over 25% of our lives working. While work can provide us with structure, purpose, satisfaction, self-esteem and earning power, it can also be a place of stress and worry.
The first, and one of the most important things to know about stress in the workplace is that a certain degree of it is necessary for us to function and perform at our job. It enables us to be more productive, focused and driven. The big problems start when we have to much of it.
Work related stress is usually caused by:
- Excessive time pressures
- Inflexible working hours
- Too much or too little responsibility
- Poor work/life balance
- Confusion over your role and responsibilities
- Lack of job variety and interest
- Inadequate training
- Difficult relationships at work
- Uncertainty over job prospects or a change of role
- Fear of redundancy
Some of the physical symptoms of work related stress include:
- Headaches and muscular tension
- Backache and neck ache
- Increased susceptibility to colds and other infections
- Excessive tiredness and difficulty sleeping
- Raised heart rate
- Increased sweating
- Lower sex drive
- Blurred vision
- Skin rashes
Does some of that sound familiar? I know I've fallen foul of quite a few of them in the past.
To begin to deal with stress in the workplace you must first find out what triggers your stress in the first place. This is about finding an equilibrium/ balance; if you're in a meeting and you're doing all the talking, this could be a sign of your stress making you talk to much. Take a few breaths and let someone else do the talking. It is hard to define your stress triggers in this book because they're potentially endless!
You are the best judge of what makes you stressed at work. Now that you are more aware of stress and what it does to your body, you can identify when your stress levels are increasing. When this happens, it is almost certainly one of your triggers.
Talk to others.
A fantastic part of working can be the social side of it. 40% of Architects marry people they have met in the workplace, that's a pretty high percentage. If you're struggling to cope with the demands put on you, talk to your colleagues, you'll often find that they've also been suffering in silence. The old adage; a problem shared is a problem halved, applies here. Once you start to talk about the causes of your stress, you'll begin to feel less stressed, simple!
Take up a hobby or exercise.
There are a few lifestyle changes that can be made to help you reduce your work related stress. Taking up a hobby can be one of them. If you work in a physically demanding environment, think about taking up a slower paced hobby that involves relaxation such as Yoga. If you sit at a desk all day, try incorporating exercise into your hobby; start running, cycling, swimming, walking, climbing, martial arts, anything.
Avoid destructive coping strategies.
Something that I have seen an awful lot of in my research is destructive responses to stress in the workplace. These fall into three main categories:
I'm not talking about a quick pint on a Friday night after work before you go home, I'm talking about excesses in these areas. Smoking is a quick fix to stress and is detrimental in the long run. I shouldn't have to tell you about the danger, needless to say, it will kill you!!!!
Caffeine is a less well known tool for dealing with stress. Caffeine speeds up your metabolism, among other things, and makes your heart beat faster. This can make you feel better for a short period of time but it is often detrimental and leads to tiredness towards the end of the day. Any more than 3 cups of tea or coffee in one day is probably to many.
If you subscribe to any one of these destructive methods of stress relief then begin to think what it is doing to your body. Try and reduce your consumption and replace it with your hobby. There is tonnes of information on helping you either quit smoking or alcohol, if you think you need help, don't be afraid to ask for it.
Diposkan oleh admin di 10:30 AM 0 komentar
Label: backache, headaches, self-esteem, sex drive, stress
The Advantage of Water While Dieting - You Will Be Amazed At What You Discover!
The Benefit of Water When Dieting - You Will Be Motivated At What An Asset Water Really is!
Has anyone ever really found an honest to goodness weight loss program that is fast and simple enough to help you burn calories; without much effort? The most effective secret to burn calories quicker is something you have in your home already.
In order for diets to be successful, you need to understand the importance of drinking plenty of water. Our human bodies are made up of about 70 percent of water. Different parts of the body carry different amounts of water in them. Men need more water in their bodies than women, ultimately because their bodies contain more muscle mass. Water is important for all of us because it performs various functions in our bodies.
If you have unwanted weight and are currently trying to develop a healthier lifestyle, you need to know that any diet you are on should include drinking plenty of water. An important advantage in drinking water is that it works to carry nutrients through the system, lubricates joints, void feces from the bowels, and works to maintain healthy looking skin. There are dangerous effects if your body does not get enough water because if the kidneys don't get enough fluid, the liver stops metabolizing fat and then turns to filtering waste. When intestines don't get enough, they will begin to pull what they need from the cells in the bowel, sometimes causing constipation. By drinking plenty of water you will help your colon to function better.
Dehydration Is Dangerous
When your body starts to get dehydrated it affects areas of your body that require higher amounts of water the most, some of the signs of dehydration you will see first are feeling overly tired and decreasing mental alertness. If you have small children, dehydration symptoms can include: Decreased urine for example, less than six wet diapers a day for infants, dry, sticky mouth and signs of being overly sleepy or tired. Often many people, experiencing dehydration is first noticed by feelings of being hungry and is not always related with thirst. When you feel like you need a snack, it is a good indication that you should drink some water. It is beneficial to drink a full glass before every meal and when you eat in between meals.
Body Facts...
Our body fat contains 14 percent water.
Pure Water: Water is something we all need to live and yet many people take it for granted. A significant fraction of the human body is water. There really is no other more major nutrient for our bodies than water. All diet programs should stress the importance of drinking enough water. More often than not it is not the most reliable method to use thirst alone as an indicator for when to get a drink. When your mouth becomes dry and your feel thirsty, it's most likely that your body is more than likely dehydrated. As you begin to age, you will notice your body is less able to sense dehydration and send your brain signals of thirst. If you experience excessive thirst and experience increased urination, this could be signs of a more serious medical condition. Contact your family physician immediately if you experience either of these.
The Importance of Drinking Water During Exercise: The more you exercise especially in warmer weather, your body will start to perspire or sweat, the more water you need to drink, therefore be sure to drink water before you feel thirsty. If you are exercising at mid-day, when temperatures are very warm, water should be replenished every 15 minutes in order to keep muscles strong and the temperature of your body down. This is particularly true for long endurance events, which is why cyclists will usually carry water with them. Dehydration can lead to serious health problems, even death. Drinking water is without a doubt one of the most valuable pieces to the weight loss puzzle. Water contains no calories, fat, or cholesterol, is inexpensive and readily available. It is nature's appetite suppressant, and drinking water throughout the day will make it easier for your body to burn off any unwanted fat.
You Should Know:
You should drink a full bottle of water just before you exercise.
Learn About Your Metabolism: Increased activity levels can increase your metabolic rate because you begin to breathe harder and your heart rate also increases. Since the main function of the liver is to metabolize fat, it becomes unable to do so if it has to take on the role of supporting the kidneys and this means that less body fat is metabolized resulting in more of it being stored in our body. This leads to either weight gain or it can cause you to reach a frustrating plateau in your weight loss journey. To increase your body's ability to metabolize fat and lose weight, you need to drink plenty of clean water. This will allow your kidney and liver functions. Skipping meals will also negatively affect your metabolism and cause your body to go in to starvation survival mode. Starvation metabolism refers to a slowing of the metabolic rate surprisingly fast. The body instinctively goes on alert that it is not getting the nutrition it needs and begins to automatically burn calories at a slower rate in order to survive longer. As you drink more water, you will increase your metabolism rate. Drinking plenty of water will increase your metabolic rate so that your body is able to burn more calories. Keep in mind that people who don't drink enough water will not burn calories as fast as people who drink their 8-10 glasses of water each day.
Diposkan oleh admin di 3:08 AM 0 komentar
Label: dehydration, diet, metabolism, water
Alternative acne treatment
Monday, July 6Remember the old saying “ You are what you eat!” I discover that not only is this true for our body weight and mass but it applies to our skin condition as well. After all what happens inside your body is reflected on your skin. The type of food that you eat will determine the condition of your skin. Oily and fatty food will lead to in balance of hormones in your body and most of the time will lead to acne outbreak on your skin. If you love your skin very much, you may want to take sometime to read the rest of this article on the best natural form of acne treatment.
So what’s acne? Acne is a chronic skin complaint in which blackheads and pustules appear on the face and other parts of the body, commonly the back. It’s a disorder of the sebaceous glands, which produce sebum that, in its normal amounts, keeps the skin supple and elastic. Acne occurs when natural oils to the skin produces obstructed get into the pores of the skin. Normally, acne is common in the onset of puberty when the body begins to produce hormones, it has also been known to be a problem for women during pregnancy. Because acne is a problem for people around the world, there are many forms of treatment, product and medications on the market. In fact acne treatment has become such a mega business around the world and people have spent millions of dollars but with very little results to show sometimes.
The best type of acne treatments are the ones that are non drug or natural remedies. Some of the traditional remedies for acne include using various herbs as facial steam. One of these steams consisted of chickweed, elderflower and marigold, used in equal parts. Agrimony applied externally was also thought to be curative. Another remedy involves the spreading of sulphur ointment over the infected areas. Another natural cure involves mixing two ounces of clover flowers, two ounces of nettle tops and two ounces of comgrey flowers with four pints of boiling water and simmering this until only two pints are left. A wine glass of the resulting liquid was to be taken every three hours. However before you try any of these remedies, it’s advisable to consult your doctor to ensure that you’re not allergic to these ingredients.
I learned the hard way that alcohol should not be used as a home remedy for acne treatment and with the back cut severe acne in processed foods that replaced by a healthy diet, including lots of fruits and vehicles.
Eating healthier food like fruits, vegetables, wholegrain and grain not only helps your skin but promote overall wellness as sometimes, problematic skin could be due to some other underlying problem like colon disorder..
Apart of eating healthier food and cutting down on the junk food especially tea, coffee, microwave and fatty food, you can also try out some of herbs that are normally use for promoting healthier skin or treat skin problem. Some of these include avens, betonym borage and burdock. Other herbs include rosemary, sage, slippery elm, sorrel coltsfoor, confrey, dandelion, dock, flax, groundsel and hawthorn. Cinnamon can also be used externally as are lemon, raw potato juice, vinegar, carrot and turnip
One of the best food fibra-ricos called psyllium. You can buy shells psyllium your local supermarket or store of natural food and you can easily mix a spoonful of soup in a glass of water and drink it. The shells Psyllium is also the main ingredient in some popular beverages such as Metamucil laxative. Not only husks of psyllium will keep you “regular” but act like a sponge cleaning up its two points at the same time.
You will have to find the best home remedies by simply investigating on your own. If the eyes are the window to the soul, then the skin is a reflection of their total health and that the principle of true beginning of a healing from within. Acne treatment is a painful thing for many folks who have been suffering for years. Many have tried different types of acne treatment from herbal to expensive medication. Some help a bit but others are just plain waste of money. If you are one of those in this category, you may want to relook into your diet and change it as that could actually be the best form of acne treatment for you. This is something that needs a bit of self control and discipline but whole lot cheaper than the factory manufactured acne medication or remedy.
Diposkan oleh admin di 11:19 AM 0 komentar
Label: acne treatment, blackheads, fruits, skin
Some Natural Cures for Snoring
There are a lot of so-called snoring cures on the market today, from fancy pillows to homeopathic remedies and throat sprays and so many more. How do you know if any of these work?And why ought to you spend all your money on expensive pillows and harsh pills and other medications, if you’re not sure about their efficiency?
It’s true that many of these cures for snoring actually do seem to work quite well for many people, however, there are some natural remedies and other products you can try that will probably work just as well.You’re not require to spend a ton of money on them either, and they are not invasive or harsh, and will not interfere with other medications you’re taking or other conditions you may have. Many have reported that these natural cures for snoring work just as well as the expensive treatment options they had tried previously, and even helped them to get a better night’s sleep and feel more well-rested all the way around. So if you’d like to try one or more for yourself, here they are:
Some Natural Oils
Have you ever noticed that a menthol cough drop not only helps soothe your cough but also clears your sinuses as well? The action of the menthol clears away obstructions and built-up mucus in your sinus cavities. Very often a person snores because their nasal cavities are blocked, forcing them to breathe through their mouth. Menthol oil has been found to be one of the best snoring cures because it clears those blocked sinuses and allows a person to breathe freely and more easily.You can find clean menthol oil in health food or vitamin stores, or buy it in different products. Eucalyptus is another product that does much the same thing – opening those blocked sinuses and allowing a person to breathe easier. These two oils are also considered not just cures for snoring but as a way to help the lungs and the respiratory system relax and breathe easier overall.
Humidity and Moisture
One of the better to stop snoring for many people is to add a humidifier or vaporizer to the bedroom and to turn it all the way up. When your throat and nasal cavities are dry, the air passing through them is going to cause the tissue to vibrate. Many people snore more in the winter and other cold, dry months. It seems odd that these little appliances are great cures for snoring, but they really do work for many people. And if you get a good vaporizer, you can add some of the menthol and eucalyptus oil as well. If you have back problems, you might consider a moist heating pad before going to bed, as this can help your lungs relax as well, and adds moisture to those areas.
These are not difficult or expensive cures for snoring, as we’ve said. But before you spend good money on the other products, you might want to give these simple solutions a try.
Diposkan oleh admin di 10:36 AM 0 komentar
Label: moisturizer, natrual cures, respiratory system, snoring
Endometriosis – Diet And Nutrition Can Reduce Symptoms
by: Carolyn Levett
Diet changes can help reduce the symptoms of endometriosis
Changing your diet to deal with Endometriosis is an excellent foundation to assist you in reducing the symptoms, and will help regenerate your health.
Adjusting what you eat can bring about many positive physical and metabolic changes, as well as improving our health. Many of you may be aware that various illnesses and diseases have responded very positively to changes in diet, and Endometriosis is no exception.
Some of the positive physical changes that take place when we change our diet, will at first not seem reliant on our food intake, but they are. For example, eating the right kinds of foods can:
~ sharpen our mental alertness
~ help us to stop feeling so sluggish
~ give us more energy
~ regulate sleep patterns
~ regulate bowel movements
~ balance blood sugar levels
~ regulate metabolism
~ regulate body weight
~ control hyperactivity – especially in children
We are very much a reflection of what we eat. When someone has a diet loaded in fats, the first place it will show up is in their complexion, with greasy, sallow skin. When we are constipated, an Iridologist (alternative health practitioner specializing in diagnosis using the iris of the eye) will immediately see this in the lack-lustre appearance of the eyes. With a lack of vital nutrients in our system, the body will eventually give you tell-tale signs.
The diet in modern day western society has become depleted of vital nutrients for many reasons. Intensive farming has robbed the soil of vital trace elements which used to be taken up by the crops as they grew, and in turn we consumed them. We rely so much on convenience foods now, which are very low in goodness. Much of our fresh produce like fruit and vegetables is actually gassed and then stored in warehouses for months.
Many of us eat fast food, which is not very nutritious – the longer that food is left standing in a heated serving cabinet, the less nutritious value it has. People get lazy; they cannot be bothered to shop for valuable ingredients, yet alone cook good wholesome food anymore.
Scientists, health researchers and others have now found that the lower your food intake, with fewer calories and proteins, the longer you will live. We simply do not need the food intake that we have in the West.
What the body needs is a simple, balanced, preferably organic diet, which is prepared using fresh ingredients, and is viewed as our means of sustenance rather than being viewed as something to stop us being hungry. We do have many problems and issues surrounding food in the West, with anorexia, comfort eating, and many other eating disorders. Food is also used in many social situations, but this is no excuse for not being able to feed yourself with good food when you are at home.
Food is our fuel, it makes us function, grow, replace worn out cells, gives us energy, and feeds the entire body. Food is the secondary requirement to life, with oxygen being the first basic requirement. More important than food is our daily requirement for water. We need lots of it; plain, fresh water. Yet most people only drink a small proportion of what the body really needs.
But going back to food; it provides us with energy. The foods we take in include:
~ Carbohydrates, which provide the chief source of energy for bodily functions and muscular exertions
~ Fats which are the most concentrated form of energy. Three fatty acids are essential in the diet because the body cannot make them itself.
~ Proteins, which are the building blocks in food, the construction materials for growth and repair of cells
~ Fibre, indigestible parts of plants which provide roughage and aids digestion
~ Vitamins and minerals – the organic substances which the body cannot make, but which it requires in small amounts to maintain health
Controlled Diet for Endometriosis
Controlling your diet to help you deal with Endometriosis is an excellent starting point. As I have said earlier, we really are a reflection of what we eat, and the body responds very quickly to what is put inside it. Let me emphasize that point thus:
~ Look how radically altered we become by too much alcohol – which can happen very quickly
~ A Sumo wrestler is not born large – they eat themselves large
~ Body builders do build up their bodies with power/weight lifting, but they also use a high protein diet to back it up
~ Drink too much coffee and you have a caffeine rush
~ Travel to another area and you may get upset by the change in water consumption
~ When we are hungry, many of us suffer that awful drowsy blood sugar drop; eat something and we can pick up again very quickly
So the body is very sensitive to what is put in it, and sometimes that sensitivity is quick to show up. Unfortunately other sensitivities are not noticed and will creep up on us, which is when we suffer from dietary deficiencies and a lack of trace elements. There are times when our body gives us clues that we have a deficiency and we start to have cravings for certain types of foods.
The role of a controlled diet in Endometriosis management has proved exceedingly beneficial for many women. Some women have even been able to be totally symptom free with changes in diet. The plan of the endo diet is to relieve or prevent some of the disabling symptoms that occur with menstruation, as well as the general pain of endo. The goal is to decrease estrogen levels, stabilize hormones, increase energy, alleviate painful cramps and stabilize emotions.
Lets start with pain and hormones in relation to diet
Endometriosis is an estrogen-sensitive condition, but the painful menstrual cramping that occurs is predominantly due to prostaglandin synthesis in the body. Prostaglandins are naturally occurring fatty acids, which are derived from dietary sources. The body can produce different types of prostaglandins through a complex series of pathways.
There are the good guys and the bad guys of the prostaglandin group. The goal of a controlled diet is to block the bad guys for their negative actions on the body, and increase the good guys for their opposite and beneficial actions. The action of the bad guys is to increase uterine contractions, and the good guys have a soothing effect. By changing the types of oils that are taken into the diet, the production of the good guys can be stimulated, which helps with uterine relaxation. These oils are composed of omega-3 fatty acids, which lead to positive prostaglandin production. Excellent sources of the omega-3 fatty acid producing oils are:
~ Evening primrose
~ Safflower oil
~ Walnut oil
~ Flax seeds/oil
It is also important to decrease intake of those fatty acids that will stimulate the bad guys which are found in saturated fats, butter, animal and organ meat, lard.
In addition to decreasing bad fat intake, the diet should also consist of high fiber. Not only does this help with good digestion, but it is also thought that a diet high in fiber can decrease total circulating estrogens. It is recommended to incorporate 25 grams per day of fibre. Good sources are:
~ whole grains excluding wheat and rye
~ beans, peas and pulses
~ brown rice
~ vegetable and fruits
~ oatmeal
The following foods are recommended to modulate estrogen levels by incorporating one or two servings a day:
~ mustard greens
~ broccoli
~ cabbage
~ turnips
~ wheat – this includes breads, cakes and pasta products, all based on wheat
~ refined and concentrated carbohydrates
~ sugar, in whatever form, including honey
~ alcohol
~ caffeine which is found in tea, coffee, soft drinks
~ chocolate
~ dairy produce including all milk, eggs and cheese
~ fried food, margarine and hydrogenated fats
~ soy products and soy protein – tamari can be used in small amounts
~ tinned and frozen packaged foods as little as possible
~ additives and preservatives
Note: Meat, dairy and eggs promote the pro-inflammatory prostaglandins.
~ beans, peas, lentils
~ onions
~ garlic (raw or lightly cooked)
~ carrots (contain beta-carotene)
~ live yogurt (good for healthy intestinal flora)
~ rhubarb
~ seeds and sprouted seeds
~ ginger
~ green tea
Foods containing natural plant sterols can be helpful. They are thought to block the estrogen receptors, so in turn excess estrogen in the body cannot lock-in to these receptors. These include:
~ peas, beans and pulses
~ red and purple berries
~ garlic
~ apples
~ parsley
~ fennel
~ brassicas: cabbage, cauliflower etc
~ nuts and seeds
~ celery, carrots
~ rhubarb
~ sage
Although the best source of vitamins and minerals is through a well balanced diet, many foods today are depleted in these vital trace elements. Today, most of us need to supplement our diet with some of the vitamins and minerals that our bodies need to function optimally.
The following is a list of supplements that will help women with Endometriosis:
Magnesium – is a mineral and is believed to ease cramping with menstruation
Zinc – is essential for enzyme activity, helping cells to reproduce which will help with healing. Zinc is also reported to boost the immune system and helping to create an emotional sense of well-being
Calcium – levels of calcium in menstruating women decrease 10 to 14 days before the onset of menstruation. Deficiency may lead to muscle cramps, headache or pelvic pain.
Iron – women with Endometriosis tend to have very heavy periods which can lead to an iron deficiency. This can lead to anemia which is characterized by extreme fatigue and weakness.
B vitamins – these are important for the breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in the body. B vitamins are reported to improve the emotional symptoms of Endometriosis, and have proved helpful in dealing with PMT
Vitamin C – is well known for helping to boost the immune system and help provide resistance to disease. It is also used in the body to build and maintain collagen within the body.
Vitamin A – is another immune system booster
Vitamin E – plays an important role by increasing oxygen carrying capacities and also strengthens the immune system
Selenium – when taken together with vitamin E has been reported to decrease inflammation associated with Endometriosis, as well as immune system booster.
Certain vegetables have substances that activate liver enzymes and help the liver to detoxify chemicals. This allows the liver to eliminate excess estrogen from the body more effectively. These vegetables include: broccoli, cauliflower and brussel sprouts.
Auto immune diseases are thought to be triggered by free-radicals in the body, which could be an added factor in Endometriosis. Free radicals are destructive molecules and are found naturally in the body but can be made worse by pollution, stress, illness and smoking. There are minerals and vitamins that will help to fight off these free-radicals because of their antioxidant properties, including: vitamins A,C,E, CoQ10, selenium, vitamin B complex, as well as specific supplements being sold specifically as Antioxidants.
~ increase omega-3 fatty acids
~ avoid meat, dairy products, wheat and sugar
~ increase fiber
~ modulate estrogen intake
~ avoid caffeine and alcohol
~ avoid refined foods, e-numbers, additives
~ minimize or avoid soy products as they contain high levels of phytoestrogens, and soy contains a particular toxin which seems to be particularly detrimental for women with Endometriosis
~ peel fruit and vegetables to remove toxic chemicals
~ eat organic produce wherever possible
~ drink lots of filtered or mineral water
Diposkan oleh admin di 10:32 AM 0 komentar
Label: diet, endometriosis, food, health, nutrient, vitamins
Rice Diet at Home
Diet, as a primary way to treat diseases has been used since 1939. The Rice Diet has helped in the prevention and treatment of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, renal disease, and other illnesses…
Diet, as a primary way to treat diseases has been used since 1939. The Rice Diet has helped in the prevention and treatment of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, renal disease, and other illnesses. The rice diet can also be used to reduce weight. It also detoxifies the body by getting rid of excess water weight and toxins from food and environment.
The Rice Diet Program in Durham, North Carolina, was one of the first medical facilities in America to use diet as the primary way to treat diseases like obesity, diabetics and hypertension. Rice diet is primarily a vegetarian eating plan which features high-complex carbohydrates, low fat and low-sodium. People who follow rice diet program lose weight faster, safely, and effectively than any other people who follow other diet programs.
Phases in Rice Diet:
There are two phases in Rice Diet:
Rice Diet Phase I
The phase 1 program includes grains and fruits. Medical supervision is mandatory and hence it is recommended to do the same at medical centers rather than at home. The rice diet food list for phase 1 includes lean cut beef, cheese, eggs, lamb, pork, seafood, vegetables, oil, veal, tofu, nuts, and dairy.
Rice Diet Phase II
This phase includes vegetables, beans and other carbohydrates, in addition to grains and fruit. You can have fish once in a week. Meals can also be taken. Vegetarian eating habits are prescribed until you attain your goals. Non-fat dairy products, fish and lean meats can be used depending upon ones physical condition. The rice diet food list for phase 2 includes fruits, dairy, vegetables and legumes, and starch (controlled).
The Rice Diet limits salt and sodium-rich ingredients. Reduction in salt intake cause loses in water weight and you are less inclined to overeat. The main source of nutrition in rice diet is carbohydrates from fruits, vegetables, grains and beans. Saturated fats and sodium are limited. The Rice Diet Solution includes hundreds of tasty, filling, easy-to-prepare recipes.
Keep in mind that the end result of rice diet program purely depends on how well an individual follows the diet recommendations. Hence make sure that you follow it correctly.
Diposkan oleh admin di 10:24 AM 0 komentar