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Alternative acne treatment

Monday, July 6

Remember the old saying “ You are what you eat!” I discover that not only is this true for our body weight and mass but it applies to our skin condition as well. After all what happens inside your body is reflected on your skin. The type of food that you eat will determine the condition of your skin. Oily and fatty food will lead to in balance of hormones in your body and most of the time will lead to acne outbreak on your skin. If you love your skin very much, you may want to take sometime to read the rest of this article on the best natural form of acne treatment.

So what’s acne? Acne is a chronic skin complaint in which blackheads and pustules appear on the face and other parts of the body, commonly the back. It’s a disorder of the sebaceous glands, which produce sebum that, in its normal amounts, keeps the skin supple and elastic. Acne occurs when natural oils to the skin produces obstructed get into the pores of the skin. Normally, acne is common in the onset of puberty when the body begins to produce hormones, it has also been known to be a problem for women during pregnancy. Because acne is a problem for people around the world, there are many forms of treatment, product and medications on the market. In fact acne treatment has become such a mega business around the world and people have spent millions of dollars but with very little results to show sometimes.

The best type of acne treatments are the ones that are non drug or natural remedies. Some of the traditional remedies for acne include using various herbs as facial steam. One of these steams consisted of chickweed, elderflower and marigold, used in equal parts. Agrimony applied externally was also thought to be curative. Another remedy involves the spreading of sulphur ointment over the infected areas. Another natural cure involves mixing two ounces of clover flowers, two ounces of nettle tops and two ounces of comgrey flowers with four pints of boiling water and simmering this until only two pints are left. A wine glass of the resulting liquid was to be taken every three hours. However before you try any of these remedies, it’s advisable to consult your doctor to ensure that you’re not allergic to these ingredients.

I learned the hard way that alcohol should not be used as a home remedy for acne treatment and with the back cut severe acne in processed foods that replaced by a healthy diet, including lots of fruits and vehicles.

Eating healthier food like fruits, vegetables, wholegrain and grain not only helps your skin but promote overall wellness as sometimes, problematic skin could be due to some other underlying problem like colon disorder..

Apart of eating healthier food and cutting down on the junk food especially tea, coffee, microwave and fatty food, you can also try out some of herbs that are normally use for promoting healthier skin or treat skin problem. Some of these include avens, betonym borage and burdock. Other herbs include rosemary, sage, slippery elm, sorrel coltsfoor, confrey, dandelion, dock, flax, groundsel and hawthorn. Cinnamon can also be used externally as are lemon, raw potato juice, vinegar, carrot and turnip

One of the best food fibra-ricos called psyllium. You can buy shells psyllium your local supermarket or store of natural food and you can easily mix a spoonful of soup in a glass of water and drink it. The shells Psyllium is also the main ingredient in some popular beverages such as Metamucil laxative. Not only husks of psyllium will keep you “regular” but act like a sponge cleaning up its two points at the same time.

You will have to find the best home remedies by simply investigating on your own. If the eyes are the window to the soul, then the skin is a reflection of their total health and that the principle of true beginning of a healing from within. Acne treatment is a painful thing for many folks who have been suffering for years. Many have tried different types of acne treatment from herbal to expensive medication. Some help a bit but others are just plain waste of money. If you are one of those in this category, you may want to relook into your diet and change it as that could actually be the best form of acne treatment for you. This is something that needs a bit of self control and discipline but whole lot cheaper than the factory manufactured acne medication or remedy.

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