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Juice Fasting a Quick Guide

Wednesday, July 29

by: Mark Henry

A little instruction from me on the subject of juice fasting, when you consider it in this day and age a lot of variable quality foods and drinks get consumed with little or no regard for the 42 odd feet of tubing that makes up our digestive tract. Yes 42 feet between you mouth and your butt, it stands to reason that it needs some rest and cleansing once in a while.

Fasting is an excellent way to give your body a rest from its normal day to day duties and giving it a chance to concentrate on kicking out stored up toxins and other nasties. Juice fasts are a particularly effective method as while you fast from solid food you nourish your body with a ready supply of no effort, liquid, super nutrition in the form of cold pressed organic juices. Brilliant.

Lethargy, lack of concentration, flatulence, I.B.S, skin and hair problems are all signals that the digestion of your food it not quite happening as well as it could. Skin problems in particular can just be as a result of nutrient not quite reaching the skin, a sure signal of an inefficient gut. So what can we do to help? Try a juice fast and healthy eating!

The detoxification headache: if you life a caffeine,convenience food and alchohol lifestyle then do expect to feel worse before you feel better! When your body takes this opportunity to kick out stored toxins, you can expect to fill a little low, queasy and or headachy, this is perfectly normal, so stick with it, the end result is well worth while.

A few cautions, a fast if you're not used to it, should not be entered into lightly, you must consult your healthcare professional before embarking on any health regime! Fasting should not be attempted by infants, elderly, pregnant women and those recovering from illness and or on medication

So, if you are still interested in doing a juice fast? The thing to do is to start slowly, with a 1 day fast, it may not sound like much but if fasting is new to you it's plenty to begin with. So have a look at the fasting plans below and with the help of a trained health professional investigate the healthy power of a fast.

The one day juice fast is a great way to try things out and see, I would think if you are reading this you are already familiar with juicing and are a bit of a health fan ready to take it to the next level. Good action is best!

The day before your fast is important, the body responds best to gentle treatment so going from Burger King to 7 day fast expert is not a good idea. Prepare your body with the following steps, cut out sugar and caffeine for a day before the fast and eat lightly and freshly on the day before your fast. Keep it fresh, simple and well hydrated.

Your pre- fast day

No caffeine or cut right down, no sugar we want nice stable blood sugar.

Start the day with a glass of warm water with a twist of lemon in.

For breakfast keep it light, yogurt and fruit, brown rice and steamed veggies. Try and avoid manufactured cereal.

Have a juice for a mid morning snack.

For lunch, have a salad, no meat just salad and veggies maybe rice or pasta but make the rice or pasta 10% of the overall meal

Have a juice for an afternoon snack.

Dinner again keep it a light salad, no need for any rice or pasta at this time of the day, have fruit for desert.

You can drink as much water as you like but not with meals, in between meal times and stop at 2 litres per day.

If you crave sugar sweeten with honey or black strap molasses.

The Fast Day

The first thing to do is relax and enjoy the day, this is a day for you, so use this as a guideline, don't be too rigid about the schedule.

On rising: drink a glass of warm water with a squeak of lemon in.

10 am: have your first juice, make it and drink it fresh, after all this is a day centered on fresh living. Mix fruit and veggies have a half pint and keep the rest for laterm, this saves on cleaning

11 am: time for another glass of water, filtered or bottled

12 pm: the second juice of the day, make this vegetables only, again half a pint, include beet and ginger

1.30 pm: another glass of water, and take a leisurely stroll or do some gentle stretching may be walk the dog!

3 pm: juice number three, less veggies more fruit and add citrus as this will help cleanse

4pm: another half pint of water or herbal tea or infusion

6pm: the last juice of the day, give it some body with a banana but no citrus fruit its too acidic.

8pm: another glass of water or herbal tea, nothing too perky though, you want a restful night

10 pm: Time for bed, if you have not gone to sleep already, wind down with a relaxing bath or massage treat your self!

Breaking the fast

On rising, be easy and good with yourself, have a glass of warm water or herbal tea and start with a glass of mixed fruit and vegetable juice. When it's time for the first solid food, have a vegetarian salad or fruit and yoghurt and ease for self back slowing into normal living.

Try to adopt eating light and juicing regularly as a lifestyle rather than a fad, lasting changes make for the best long term effects.

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